Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I suppose this represents progress. 'Action pose' + tentative color scheme. I need to use gold/white as per contest requirements, but I may want to make the carapace a darker shade of...something. Not necessarily red. Let me know if the colors are offensive, suggestions, etc.
The other day I learned that the "rainbow" color scheme represents sexuality. Noby Noby Boy is starting to make a lot more sense.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Positive Progress

Finally, a productive night. Unlike my week at work, so far..heh... I'm finding that listening to Anthemic Black Metal sets the mood nicely.
I like how this sketch turned out, but I'm consumed with doubt - is it less 'Power Rangers,' or more?

Future face reference:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Negative Progress

I seem to be moving backwards; This concept seems to get less defined the longer I work on it. Maybe I'm just in a mood. Anyway, here are some kind of sloppy sketches attempting to work out how her torso area connects to the carapace.

Listening to Wolves In The Throne Room, thx

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

About those Pencil Sketches

The windburn on my face fucking kills, and about those pencil sketches...I lied.

Reminder to self: buy this for next winter.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Surface Treatment

This is pretty close to the final 'skin' look/construction I'll be going with. I like this drawing : 3

Taking a couple days off for a tropical vacation in VT, maybe doing some pencil sketches there.

When I return it's time for a few days worth of final model sheets.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tone Study

This is an example of doing linework before 'painting.' The downside: it takes fucking ages. It's a testament to how bored I am at work, that I'm more than willing to sink epic amounts of free time into producing a weird monster. Sometimes I worry about monitors shooting electrons (?) into my retinas 14 hours daily, but if I actually finish this project it'll all be worth it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Color Concept

Ugh, I need to force myself to always start with a line drawing... now that I've spent a couple hours with colors I'm realizing this pic needed more linework.

Inspired by

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It was a critical moment in my life; I’d just made a discovery that had changed my world view forever. The discovery came during a year-long period during which I had been regularly treated by psychiatrists for extreme hypochondria. I’d passed a whole winter unable to sleep, focus, socialize, even so much as read a page of a magazine, so convinced was I that I was dying of some dread and mysterous brain disease. Psychiatrists who treated me tried to help me out of it by discussing my relationships with my parents, but I wasn’t cured until I had completed a battery of expensive physiological exams, including MRIs and countless X-rays and blood tests. What I found out during that period was that modern science, and modern doctors, knew almost nothing. If I was dying of some mysterious brain disease, they would never be able to tell me for sure. They openly admitted to me that their jobs, ultimately, came down to guesswork. By August I was coming to terms with the reality of being alone in nature, essentially left to fend for myself against the horrible things in life. A year later, believing that no life strategy was inherently safer than any other, I’d moved to Russia and then Uzbekistan, where I drank water out of the tap and quickly learned to thrive in the philosophy of Being Fucked.

Taibbi, Matt. "Combed Over." The Exile 10 August 2001

Centipede Demon

I like this concept, probably inspired by (do not watch if you value your sanity).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monstery Goodness

More monster-y sketches...I'm giving myself until Wednesday to come up with something I like.
Tight deadline.


I'm going to be trying to develop a scifi/fantasy character over the next couple of weeks for an online contest. This was the first idea which popped into my head during the drive home. More to come.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How appropriate...

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Why do we live in a brutally cold, snow-heavy environment? Because it’s at a key location on a long-obsolete trading route. Enjoy the last leg of your annual stint as an ice-bound hermit.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yeah I know, WTF

I saw this guy in a dream - he was actually much less terrifying, more like a comic book villain. Which happens to make sense, somehow, because it was the second consecutive night after I saw Watchmen in which I experienced astoundingly deranged dreams. That movie was over-the-top gory, to the point of having an effect on my psyche. So consider yourself warned.

edit: not that i'm blaming this bad drawing on violence in media, more like 2 beers and a shitty day